The life and adventures of a starving artist.

The life and adventures of a starving artist.

Monday, September 9, 2013

SLC Comic Con!

Wow! It has been a long time since I updated this thing.  I really need to be better about blogging. Anyways, I just got back form SLC comic con! It was stinking awesome. I cannot believe how many people were there! There was 80,000 people there on Saturday alone.  It got so crowded that the fire marshals wouldn't let anyone in for a while.

It was a great first con for Nathaniel and I.  We did really well! Having a booth was super super exhausting, but it was so worth it! I met a lot of potential clients, and I got some great portfolio reviews while I was there.  Steve Argyle and Beth Trott (both super awesome people) took 20+ minutes to personally talk to me about my portfolio and what I need to work on.  Not only did I leave with a little extra cash, but I also left feeling inspired, and with a sense of direction.

I learned a ton while I was there, and next time I will definitely do a few things differently.

  • First off, I will bring more merchandise! I ran out of most of my little things with in the first day and a half. So, if you are a first time artist alley exhibitor, make sure you bring enough merchandise, especially the little cheap things that sell really fast. 
  • Secondly, I would make sure to wear comfortable footwear.  Holy Moses my feet hurt by the end of that con! Standing, and walking so much really puts a strain on your feet.
  • Thirdly, wear comfortable clothes. I wore a dress the first day, and it was super frustrating.  My skirt kept getting tangled or snagged on things, and setting up was difficult. Just stick to your favorite pair of jeans and a cute/artsy shirt if you can help it. Wearing an outfit you don't have to constantly adjust is also a good idea.  Ladies, you know what I mean. It is the worst when your tank top keeps riding up or your shirt keeps bunching up weirdly.  Feeling cute and comfortable is really important.  When you feel good it is easier to help others feel at ease around you and helps you feel confident.
  • Also, next time I will bring a little medical kit/ aspirin.  I had the worst head ache during one of the days, and it was not fun sitting there for so long while I felt sick. There was also lots of papercuts/splinters/ little things that it would have been great to have a bandaid for. 
  • Next time, I will also do my best to stay organized. I tried to be organized, but by the end of the show my stuff was everywhere. I am thinking about making some sort of rolling filing system for next time... I will keep you updated on that...
Overall, it was an awesome convention! It was great for me as an aspiring illustrator. Good luck to all of you fellow illustrators that are getting ready for cons. I will try to post more about our display and what worked/what didn't soon. If you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask. 

Until next time,

Mandie LaRue


  1. nice work. you use pattern for the angels? keep it up. you seem to be doing what i missed some how.
