The life and adventures of a starving artist.

The life and adventures of a starving artist.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Being a Mommy and an Artist

Since I have had Indie a ton of people have asked me how I do it (meaning doing art and taking care of a baby).  The first time I was asked that question I was kind of caught off guard, because in my mind I was never going to just stop doing art or creating things ever.  I had never even thought about slowing down unless I was in some sort of horrible accident and was unable to create anymore.

I am not going to pretend like I am super mom or anything.... 'cause that would be a total lie.  I am definitely not and I definitely don't have as much time to work on things as I would like to.  I also have the frustration of getting into the "zone" while working and then being interrupted by crying because I need to feed/change/put Indie to sleep/etc.  

I think that one of my secret weapons is Nathaniel.  He is so supportive and even though he works hard all day at a 9 to 5 job, he comes home and watches the baby for me so that I can focus.  I also, take full advantage of nap time, swing time, and excersaucer time.  I think what it all boils down to is that I have had to learn how to adapt.  I have had to learn how to work during  frequent short time periods throughout the day.  

Something that is a little embarressing is that I don't always keep up with all the house work. I try to throw in a load of laundry or do a little cleaning project before I start working on art stuff, but I really want to devote most of my time to working on art work.  I have really had to learn to balance things and decide what is important.  I think too many of us feel like we have to have a pinterest perfect house- always clean organized, be super in shape, have a beautifully behaved baby, and still work.  It is impossible and you will make yourself crazy.  Just chill out.  You have to balance. When I am deeply into a project other things slide sometimes, but that is okay. 

With all of that being said I would like to introduce you to my latest piece! I painted it for the current art order challenge.  I had to incorporate tribal jewelry, petticoats, a bull whip, and tattoos. I call her Lilah. I am pretty happy with how it turned out! The Oatley Academy has really helped me improve my digital skills- I can't recommend it enough!

Here are some progress pictures.   I start with a pencil drawing, and I finalize the lines in photoshop.

Then, I block in the color.

I slowly add details and shadows.

I just keep working with everything until I get it just how I like it.


 I am pretty happy with how it turned out! The Oatley Academy has really helped me improve my digital skills- I can't recommend it enough!