The life and adventures of a starving artist.

The life and adventures of a starving artist.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Another Mermaid

What can I say, I  love mermaids! They are so graceful and whimsical, and they appear in my doodles on a daily basis.  So, this weekend I am working on another mermaid. Here is my WIP. More progress will be posted soon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Meta Con Review

So, Meta-Con finally happened! Crazy.  It was a smaller convention, but it definitely was worth our while.  I felt like I was preparing for that silly event FOREVER.... and I guess I kind of was.  It was great to get back into the swing of things after having Indie, and it was great to get back out there.

I worked super hard on our display, and I got a lot of positive reactions from people about our set up.  I really wanted something that would be pretty without competing with my artwork.  I think that it turned out pretty well, and now we have a great display to take with us to future events.  Here are some pictures of me at our booth!

Alrighty, so the convention itself was pretty small.  I am not sure how many people actually came, but it wasn't super busy by any stretch of the imagination.  There was all the usual crazy people that you meet at conventions, and there were definitely the people that have zero social skills.  But, there was also some wonderful people there! I met Otis Frampton (which was awesome!!) apparently he lives in St. Paul.  I had no idea! He was way nice and pretty hilarious.  Otis was also painting on a tablet that was not a cintique, an iPad, or a Windows tablet.  I should have asked him what it was because I would love to know (if anyone knows what he paints on let me know.).  The other artists and vendors that were there were also (for the most part) very nice.  I especially enjoyed our neighbor (Cecilia) form the Tee Turtle that was across from us during the whole event.

The staff was phenomenal from start to finish.  Nobody was power tripping, and everyone was extremely helpful.  I was a little worried at first, because they didn't have Nathaniel's badge ready at the vendor check in.  (At SLC Comic Con they refused to let Nathaniel anywhere that I went because he didn't have an "Artist" badge.  He was clearly with me and there to help me carry boxes, but they refused to let him in.... that was infuriating! Because of that experience I am a little touchy about making sure that Nathaniel has an artist or vendor badge.)  But, when I asked the staff at Meta-Con they were super nice and said that we wouldn't ever have a problem getting him in and out when he needed to be.  Phew! They even let my family (mom, dad, sister and Indigo) come in to help me pack up my space on Saturday night.  They were so helpful and courteous (I cannot stress that enough!).

Another thing that was kind of fun about the event was that they had free Ramen noodles for everyone, and an all night board game room.

Overall, the convention was well organized and the staff was AWESOME! It was a fun event and we met some awesome people.  The only downers for us was that it was more of an anime convention than a comic con or a sci fi/fantasy convention.  I should have realized this since it's sister convention is anime Minneapolis.  Our sales weren't awesome, but we payed for our expenses and it was fun.  I am not sure if we will go back or not, but I definitely had a positive experience and I am open to going back next year.

The hotel was..... disappointing.  The staff of the hotel were ranged from a little cold to down right rude, and when it came to customer service.... well there wasn't any. It was quite expensive, and there was a million hidden fees.  The room itself was fine, there was absolutely nothing exciting about it, but it was fine. As a side note, it was the ugliest hotel I have ever seen... very very modern.  We could have stayed in a Best Western for half the price, gotten the same quality of room (maybe even a little prettier), gotten free breakfast, and free parking.  Lets just say, I was not impressed with The Hyatt Regency Minneapolis and we probably won't be staying there again.  The one plus to staying in the hotel was that it was convenient since the convention took place in the hotel itself.

Well to sum it all up, I really was impressed with the convention organizers and it was a fun event! I feel like I have finally gotten a small stock of merchandise put together, and a pretty sweet display.   I am ready to take on some bigger events again.  I AM BACK BABY!