The life and adventures of a starving artist.

The life and adventures of a starving artist.

Friday, August 29, 2014

We are homeless... and we had a baby!

     WOW! Where to start.  It has been a while since I blogged. So much has happened in the last few months.  First off, we had our baby! She is the cutest, sweetest little thing, and we love her.  Her name is Indigo, but we call her Indie or Go-Go most of the time. Having her around is super awesome, and super hard at the same time, especially when it comes to getting art projects done. I love not being pregnant anymore... let me tell you, I forgot how nice it is to not be pregnant! Indie is finally sleeping through the night and I feel like a new woman.

     Secondly, we are homeless. Okay, don't panic! We aren't sleeping in cardboard box in an alley.   We sold our place, and pretty much everything we own and moved to Minnesota. I was 7.5 months pregnant and I definitely cried when we said goodbye to all of our stuff (*sigh* stupid hormones). We loaded up everything else into our little SUV and moved.  We planned on only staying with my parents for a week or so, but it turns out we are actually kind of helpful around the house, so my parents asked us to stay.  Even though it was hard saying good bye to my super cute coffee table and my little home, I am enjoying the freedom of not having very much stuff, and I love saving money by not having to pay rent.  We are saving up for a house, and hopefully will have enough to start building a cute little house in January. Who knows what life will bring though! I definitely wasn't expecting things to work out the way they have.

   I am working on a couple of art projects, and prepping for Meta-Con (which Nathaniel and I will be attending).  Here is the line work for the Phoenix painting that I am working on. I am so excited to get painting this thing! I felt it was fitting to paint something that symbolizes rebirth since we are starting fresh in a new state with a new baby.

Life is good people! Enjoy it.

Mandie LaRue